Tuesday, November 5, 2019


Jan was a sort of friend of mine
when I was running low on real ones.
I would travel to her council flat
for my dinner every week or so.
But she only came to my house once.
Afterwards, even when we passed,
she wouldn't come indoors
It was because of all my Buddhas
and the Ganesha on my window sill
The Ginsberg picture on my wall
had made her apoplectic.

She thought, when I had seizures,
that the Man Downstairs and God
were having fistfights for my soul.
"You worship graven images," she said,
without a hint of malice.

This woman was a care assistant.
I heard her tell somebody, ‘Disability’s
God's judgement on the wicked.’
And she really meant it.

One day she landed on her face,
after tripping on a wet floor sign at work
with residents behind her.
Some stepped forward to help her up.
I hid around the corner laughing.
Surely, I was going to Hell.

Bruce Hodder lives in Northampton, England. His work has appeared in many magazines. This year his poetry collection ‘The Journey Home’ was published by Whiskey City Press.

1 comment:

  1. Hell, is where we make it. Enjoyed and yes, I know people like her too.
