Thursday, September 26, 2024

Angst By Bruce Morton

We think we must fake it,
Take it as it comes, or goes.
No need to be anxious about
Anxiety. It is best to let it be,

Let tension become pretention.
We worry about worry, hurry
As we scurry to and from
Who knows where or why.

Afraid we are to be judged
So we refrain from judging
And judgment. Sooner or
Later we run out of fingernails

Anyway. Unable to scratch
The surface of our insecurities,
We rub hurt feelings, massage
Inflated and deflated egos.      

Bruce Morton divides his time between Montana and Arizona. He is the author of two poetry collections: Planet Mort (2024) and Simple Arithmetic & Other Artifices (2014). His poems have appeared in numerous online and print venues. He was formerly dean at the Montana State University library.

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