Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Death Proof by Amrita Valan

Not a woman
Not a child 
Not a ghost
Not a goddess
But a shadow
A faint shadow
A fake profile  
Of a human
A fading away
A waning away
A dying away
Never dead
The undead lives
Its proof it breathes
Stale air
Dead air

Death proof
The living dead.

I am from India, mother of two small boys. I hold a master’s degree in English literature.I have worked in BPOs, and as content creator for simulation management entrance examination papers,(deductive logic in English), as well as in the hospitality industry.(As receptionist at a five-star hotel) while awaiting results of my English honours examination. I love life, like tumbling headfirst into it, and then doing a double take to step back and observe it.I have written over a thousand poems on genres including Love, Spirituality, Family, Religion, Current affairs, Human Rights, a few short stories, funny poems and tales for my children.