Tuesday, September 17, 2024

I’m in Trouble By Jay Passer


Like being torn apart and eaten alive by a frenzy of sharks
I remember being squirted out of my mother
but not too well
Delivered with deluxe chopsticks
weaned on soy milk
stored in a shoebox.

I’m in love with a pubescent fantasy construct
born from a SuicideGirls babysitter
it’s terrifyingly
obvious and passé.

I’m buried in a heap of bird feathers
I’m a moron dressed as a matador
a surgeon operating on double-A batteries
a pterodactyl in a tutu.

She’s not the usual kind
she’s not somebody’s wife sister cousin grand-niece 
baby-mama auntie stepdaughter
she’s not even a she or a he or a he-she or she-he
or anaconda or spider-monkey or zebra
or fire hydrant or exhaust pipe or keyhole.

I’m in love with my own damn self
my predilections
my insecurities
my obsessions staring morosely back at me
from the mirror hanging on the wall
the wall supporting the ceiling
the ceiling keeping me from shitstorms and sunburn and 
the world in chaos and dubious heavens and the Man Himself
and by the way
That son-of-a-bitch owes me 4 decades worth of rent.

I’m in trouble
because I’m in love with the Mona Lisa the Queen of Sheba Venus de Milo Joan of Arc Esther Hadassah Madame Curie Camille Claudel Isadora Duncan Tawakkol Karman and that one Thai cutie from Blackpink.

I’m in love with a cross-country-bound Greyhound busload 
of traumatized Nobel laureates
with a goldfish posing as a mermaid
the natural spawn of an apocalypse cult
squid ink and bird droppings.

It’s a testament to acceptance of the boomerang’s return
Meat on the grill and a pain in the neck.
I’m in love with 
a child’s scrawl on the face of a flower
horns spurting from halos
black seas of chlorine
cool rain for blood.

The poetry and prose of Jay Passer has appeared in print and online periodicals, magazines and anthologies, in subterranean basements and men's room stalls, cave walls and space shuttles, since 1988. He is the author of 15 collections of words, symbols, diatribes, missives, isms, schisms, rain drizzles and blood fizzles. A cook by trade, he's also dabbled in daubs, photo-montage, reverse Feng shui; while failing at mortician's apprentice, news butcher, and criminal savant. Passer's most recent chap, Son of Alcatraz, was released in February of 2024 from Alien Buddha Press, and is available on Amazon.

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