Thursday, August 1, 2024

An Act of War By Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozábal

I fix my gaze
at the summit
of the snowy
eastern mountain.
I imagine a white
dove camouflaged
only to be given 
away by its dark
eyes. The black hawk,
not fooled at all,
is camouflaged 
in sprinkles of 
white snow, ready
to make its move
in an act of war.
Crystalline tears
will fall and echoes
of painful moans 
will reverberate 
throughout the snowy
mountain. Bloodied
feathers will not be
camouflaged until
more snow falls.
Buried at the bottom
of the snowy mountain
is the white dove
and its dark eyes.

Born in Mexico, Luis lives in California and works in the mental health field in Los Ángeles. His poems have appeared in Ariel Chart, Fearless, Mad Swirl, The Rye Whiskey Review, and Unlikely Stories.

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