Friday, July 5, 2024

Brick Shadows By Jake St. John

The old town 

don't look 

the same 

any more 

everyone's left

and split 

moved on 

or died 

I've read

more obituaries

than box scores 

this year

even the tavern 

has changed hands 

the music 

still plays 

but just 

a little 


and just 

a bit 



Jake St. John lives in the woods on the edge of the Salmon River. He is the author of several collections of poetry including Lips Leave Scars (with Jenn Knickerbocker, Whiskey City Press, 2023) Ring of Fog (Holy and Intoxicated Publications, 2022), Night Full of Diamonds (Whiskey City Press, 2021), and Lost City Highway (A Jabber Publication, 2019). He is the editor of Elephant and is considered an original member of the New London School of poetry. His poems have appeared in print and online journals around the world."

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