Friday, March 8, 2024

Review Of Zero Evidence Of Life By Tracey Sivek


To pen any book is a daunting process in itself as we, as artists, question everything, struggling to create something that stands out while also bleeding our truths only to have them laid bare for others to criticize. 

It is said that looking at our past work and deciding to revise it is a task I do not envy any writer attempting to do.

That said, in Zero Evidence of Life author Tracey Sivek has not only attempted to do this but masterfully outdone herself in what I viewed as an already solid book of poetry.

These writings take you on a dark journey that doesn't stray from laying every poem bare yet in this revision there are also hints of humor laced in these lines such is the case in the prose-esque write Street Love:

I yelled.

“I like you better high.”

You yelled back.

“So do I.”

As that is my case in point this book has a great contrast. It's not your typical bleeding heart scenester poetry, this is work that pushes the author and the reader as well.

With further examples in the exquisite poem My Empty:

My empty comes from a place of high yield and low resolution.

A sacred place where one wish of a hello lands on a thousand screaming goodbyes.”

This is a masterfully crafted book in all senses of the word for people looking for something darker that still maintains soul without compromising in an attempt to pander to a manufactured certain style to bore someone half to death at some open mic.

This is a book that demands to be read alone and savored in its beauty and dedication to its craft. I have known the author for many years and I have to say I am blown away by her edge with continued progression and refinement.

As I said before I do not envy anyone attempting to revise a past project but in many senses this feels like a completely new book altogether.

And it only makes me look forward to reading more work from this author.

If you want something dark and a hundred percent real this is the book for you. I could not recommend this book more.

Zero Evidence Of Life is an exquisite masterwork from an author whose voice has only just begun to demonstrate her truly best work.

This book will not disappoint I promise you that!

John Patrick Robbins, editor-in-chief of The Rye Whiskey Review.

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